Monday, October 27, 2008

= > putrajaya

i went to my x classmate/x cubemate wedding at presint 8 putrajaya.had a full stomach with nasi kenduri, then went to alamanda. thought to watch movie but 'Senario Episode 1' not in the list.hmmm...what else, lepak at starbucks and then went for photo shooting all over putrajaya.haha.

two photography student are testing their skill/knowlegde (at da back). i am relaxing and someone took my pic.ya rite!!!i asked him.
wanted to throw it!but it too strong..haha!trying to be different.
wink!!!haha..i feel awesome!!
FYI, i am adjusting my jeans.but still have time to look for a shoot!!demn!!!
this was the start...after solah, went for some memory ha??

ke bintang!!!
credit: macha - new photograhper

1 comment:

  1. Cantik gak aku shoot photo2 nie...hahahaha tepaksa amik satu D40 dapat bonus nanti...sifu nanti tolong ajar lagi....
