about why petronas hiring me, i don't think so that you have the right to question it.right?i went the necessary interview session conducted by Petronas's top management. and it proved that i am suitable to contribute to the company.
Maybe you miss understood what i tried to address in the previous post.i am rather not explain about it as you are more knowledgeable than me, i guess.
on top of that bro/sis, this is not a journal. it just my blog.how i need to express myself. you are welcome here, and its up to you to comment. but, maybe you can give a better comment next time dude.
tak perlu la nak tunjuk diri sendiri tu bagus sgt ok...sbb aku tak cakap pun yang diri aku ni bagus.aku just mintak org lain paham penat lelah pekerja2 petronas.tu je.aku pun tak sebut yang aku ni bagus gila bila di banding ngan org lain...tak semesti nye ko bijak berbahasa ingeris, ko bijak segala2nya...sense ko mungkin kurang...
Allah menjadikan manusia/hambanya tu dengan kelebihan tersendiri, serta kekurang yang tersendiri juga.pikir2 dan renung2kan...
kalu berani, tinggal nama n no tepon..we can have a chat...
ReplyDeleteU did the rite thing dude...don't care what ppl are saying about us, as long as we know what we doing that's enough...cool...ni silap2 aku plak kene komen pasal language..hahahha..sapakah ini?
ReplyDeletePergh...gila gaban mamat tuh! Apa hal lah nak condemn org. Aku yg dah gi US ni (note: riak sekejap..hahaha) tak ambik port pun. Aku rasa mamat tu gi interview sama dgn ko kot. Cuma dia tak qualified. Pass masa 1st round je. Anyway ZZ, English ko memang sengal pun..hahahaha! Betul, betul, betul...
i am impressed that you and your frens are quite concern ("ambik port") on my comments on ur poor command in english.
ReplyDeletepetronas did not use taxpayers' money? erm..how did u managed to even bring petronas into existence if its not aid from government? Where do you even think that Petronas has resources to drill oil wells? Do u even know the nature of business of your company? That u to drill oil from 'potential oil wells' that could span 5 years or more to discover oil? Do you agree that from the inception of petronas, u would have to incur costs on your oil rigs to enable you to house workers and machineries needed to drill wells in the ocean bed, extract oil and/or natural gas, process the produced fluids, and ship them to shore. And do you also agree that when Petronas first came into existence these costs need to be incurred with no income derived immediately and that you will incur losses in the first few years of your quest of oil? So where do you think Petronas has the funding to purchase those machineries and develop oil rigs when its income its nil, zero, zilch? Obviously from Government la kan?
Do you also agree when petronas go busted, the first person to bail you out is the government? not because you showered malaysians with billions of RM but because you are a GLC and that the Government would not want its so called national treasure to go down the drain? paham ke makna GLC? GOVERNMENT LINKED CORPORATIONS? You are a GLC by virtue of those assistance that you received from the Government. Government get funding from where huh? From tax payers like you and me, prob. from your moyangs and what not. And you still are very proud to say that the nation owe it all to you to pump in money into government? Please la, identify your asal usul boleh tak?
I may not be perfect in english but i would expect some kind of decent english coming from a person who was hired by petronas, and if you think your english is good enough by virtue of passing petronas's english proficiency tests, you are wrong. Probably those management of yours has very poor command in english as well. Its like a chain effect that could plague the whole of petronas.
hahahha... the guy/gal (well i dun even care) is very dem funny... (care to comment on my spelling?)...
ReplyDeletedude, he is definitely don't get the msg...can't see the whole picture...and it's obvious... he is a government servant and most prob being sponsored by government gak kot mase blaja dulu...JPA?
to mr/miss-i-know-english-better-than-u-do... i guess u better open up an English class or whatever u called it... since u have the utmost perfect high level english command..
In fact, I dun mind if he/her wanted to comment on the 'isi kandungan' of the post... but more emphasizing on the language... how ridic... plus ntahapepentah...
thank god we dun have this kinda ppl in PETRONAS... anyway modhel, there are rooms for improvement... learning is a continuity..
and the best part is... u have stalkers stalking on ur writings... so cheer up! ;p