hi to anonymous....thanks for the advice.really appreciate it. yes, i agreed with you that i am not good in english at all.still learning and improving. maybe you can give a best guide.
about why petronas hiring me, i don't think so that you have the right to question it.right?i went the necessary interview session conducted by Petronas's top management. and it proved that i am suitable to contribute to the company.
Maybe you miss understood what i tried to address in the previous post.i am rather not explain about it as you are more knowledgeable than me, i guess.
on top of that bro/sis, this is not a journal. it just my blog.how i need to express myself. you are welcome here, and its up to you to comment. but, maybe you can give a better comment next time dude.
tak perlu la nak tunjuk diri sendiri tu bagus sgt ok...sbb aku tak cakap pun yang diri aku ni bagus.aku just mintak org lain paham penat lelah pekerja2 petronas.tu je.aku pun tak sebut yang aku ni bagus gila bila di banding ngan org lain...tak semesti nye ko bijak berbahasa ingeris, ko bijak segala2nya...sense ko mungkin kurang...
Allah menjadikan manusia/hambanya tu dengan kelebihan tersendiri, serta kekurang yang tersendiri juga.pikir2 dan renung2kan...
kalu berani, tinggal nama n no tepon..we can have a chat...